CI: Medium-sized business: Continental

For businesses that have been operating for 5 to 10 years or more

Business operates in more than one country
Delivery: eight days
Logo design: seven options
Chosen logo applied onto:
– Business card (three options) for 12 to 18 people)
– Letterhead (Word) (two options)
– Quote template (Word) (two options)
– Invoice template (Word) (two options)
– Digital email signature (two options) (for 15 to 20 people)
– PowerPoint covers (two) and inside pages (three)
– Social media covers: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, YouTube (two options)
Book job at least seven days in advance
Five hours’ client changes allowed
Rush fee: 50% extra charge for five days’ delivery
Client receives open files and PDFs on job completion and receipt of full payment